Innovations Session

Generously sponsored by

The CINITY LED cinema system, “CINITY LED CFL-10”, featuring a 10-meter LED screen, has achieved DCI compliance under CTP 1.4.1, the latest industry standard. Notably, it remains the only LED screen to receive DCI certification for HDR, setting a new benchmark for high-dynamic-range cinematic display technology.

NHK Compact Camera System

NHK, Japan’s public broadcaster, will introduce a new compact camera system featuring an 8K×8K square aspect ratio image sensor—a compact yet high-potential device designed to expand the vistas of content production.

As a pioneer in broadcast technology, NHK launched the world’s first 8K television service in 2018 and has been actively exploring ways to adapt this ultra-high resolution format for large-screen immersive experiences, including IMAX, dome theaters, and flying theaters.

In this screening, NHK will share details of the 8K×8K camera system and present test footage captured for wide field-of-view content.

To Crop or To Extend? That is the Question.

Presented by Jonathan Bird, Oceanic Research Group and Phil Streather, Principal Large Format

In a 4K projection scenario, for Flat 2D and 3D screens, is it OK to crop the 1.89 camera frame to get to the 1.43 projection frame, or do we need to extend the1.89 camera frame, one way or another, to maintain maximum horizontal pixel power?
First Myles Connoly takes us through a complicated shot from Blue Whales: Return of the Giants, where a shot was taken and then the camera tilted up for another view, and the 2 shots were composited together. A high end extension. Thanks to ONSIGHT for the post work here.
Then, Jonathan Bird takes us through 3 shots, taken twice with the same angle of view, but different focal length, one for cropping the other for extending. We watch both versions side by side and see if we can tell the difference. There will e a vote! Thanks to Zach Peterson for the photography and Jonathan Bird for the post production.
We will do a dome version of this test for the Fall conference…

That Hard Drive Won’t Last Forever

Presented by Matt Scott, USC

How to archive your projects for future generations. Strategies and considerations for long-term preservation of digital footage and media.

The Achtel 9×7 Camera:

Where did it come from, how does it work, and why should I care?

Presented by Phil Streather, Principal Large Format

This session delves into the past, present and future of the Achtel 9×7 camera; which is the first digital camera designed specifically for the giant screen industry.
As well as exploring the camera itself, shooting methodologies and post production issues we also see a side by side shoot-out with the RED Monstro and shots from the 9×7 camera itself. RAW and unedited footage provided by Achtel Pty, kindly post produced by ONSIGHT of London.

Anatomy of a 3D Audio Soundtrack for Large Format Films

Presented by Brian Eimer, ImagesInSound

This will be a presentation that walks through some of the processes Brian Eimer uses to maximize the audience engagement by designing a 3D audio soundtrack.