August 13, 2018—GSCA is sad to share the news that Leroy London, Chief of Education for the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum and a veteran of the giant screen industry, passed away on Tuesday, July 25, 2018, at the age of 77. He is survived by his wife of 13 years, Merlene B. London; stepchildren, Cecily Caldwell, Ernest David Caldwell, Jr.; and his children, David, Maurey, and Jeffery London.
Prior to joining the Smithsonian in 1991, LeRoy was Educator for the Prince Georges County School System and Producer of Education for Maryland Public TV. Leroy was also a faithful member of Ward Memorial AME Church of Washington, DC, and a member of the Senior Choir and the Men's Chorus. He once shared his beautiful voice at a GSCA Films in Production session as he sang a gorgeous rendition of “Happy Birthday” to a conference delegate. LeRoy’s love of movies extended beyond the giant screen—his hobbies included working in his home theater and collecting movies.
GSCA conference delegates have LeRoy to thank for the strict timing guidelines at the conference Films in Production and Projects in Development sessions. “LeRoy had a huge impact on the industry in so many ways,” remembers Patricia Keighley, IMAX Corporation. “I was recalling with a colleague recently that LeRoy was the initiator of the speaker’s timing device on the podium, providing the tool for the necessary discipline for the Films in Production session. I worked on these sessions with LeRoy for as far back as I can remember and always appreciated his professionalism, dedication, and gentle guidance yet firm decision making, as required. He was an amazing individual that I am proud to call him my friend.”
Says Mark Katz, Giant Screen Films/D3D Cinema, “I will always remember his great smile, his unbelievable attire, his calmness, his wonderful sense of humor, his positive outlook on everything, and, of course, his session timer. He will be missed.”
“A legend,” says Mike Lutz, Evans & Sutherland. “We will be telling LeRoy London stories for a long time–and we will be required to tell those stories within the time his infamous time clock allots us.”
“I have many fond memories of Leroy at our GSCA (ISTC) events over the early years,” says Therese Andrade, IMAX Corporation. “I enjoyed his visits to LA and his wisdom and practical approach.”
Cards can be sent to Merlene London and LeRoy’s family at 5210 Lansing Dr., Temple Hills, MD 20748.