February 2, 2015—BIG & Digital, LLC and No Final Frontier Productions, LLC announced today that BIG & Digital will distribute the 2016 release of Lightspeed Pioneers: Stranded on Mars to digital theaters, science museums, and other educational venues worldwide.
Produced by Lee Fanning and Christopher Brothers of No Final Frontier Productions, LightSpeed Pioneers is an animated science-fiction, action-packed educational adventure set in a future golden age of commercial space exploration. Providing dynamic, STEM-focused curriculum targeting the 9-14 age demographic, the goal of the film is to showcase a unique, educational and immersive experience that's all about Mars. Audiences will explore the many obstacles and dangers currently impeding human exploration of the Martian surface and examine the technology it takes to make a trip to Mars possible.
“Chris and I both have extensive experience in operating and managing institutional theaters, which gives us a unique perspective,” says producer Lee Fanning. “We've both fielded complaints from educators, school administrators and general audiences about a lack of truly engaging content for the 9 to 14 demo—too old for “kiddie” films, yet not really old enough for hard science docs—and feel this film can fill that void.”
“We are excited to distribute this film because it successfully wraps STEM-focused curriculum in an action-packed adventure. The producers understand the museum audience and are adapting the traditional museum film to a new and fresh experience that will engage tweens and family audiences,” explains Tina Ratterman, President of BIG & Digital.
The film follows a group of five teenage “astronauts-to-be” and their dog as they match their wits and wills while training for voyages to other worlds. Simulated dangers become all to real when a crash landing on Mars strands the group on the wrong side of the planet. They'll have to think fast and use their science knowledge to survive the red planet's ever-mounting threats.
The run time is 22 minutes and it will be released in Digital 4K for Flat Screens and Fulldome Theaters. Evans & Sutherland, of Salt Lake City, Utah, is the official distributor of the Fulldome version of the same film for the planetarium market. Wonder Mill Cosmos, an institutional and VOD content creator based out of Washington D.C., is also a co-producer of the film.
For more information, please contact BIG & Digital at 702-932-4045 or email Tina Ratterman at tratterman@biganddigital.com.
Film website –http://www.lightspeedpioneers.com/
Film Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/lightspeedpioneers
About No Final Frontier Productions, LLC
No Final Frontier Productions, LLC, is a multimedia production group based out of the “Rocket City,” Huntsville, Alabama, specializing in STEM-focused educational content for young audiences. Organized and managed by Lee Fanning and Chris Brothers.
About BIG & Digital, LLC
BIG & Digital, LLC is a boutique distributor of films for museums and attractions and commercial and standalone theaters with 15/70mm, IMAX® Digital, 2K and 4K Digital, Fulldome and Blue-Ray and DVD projection systems. BIG & Digital was founded in March 2009. More information can be found at www.biganddigital.com.