GSCA Achievement Awards
The GSCA 2008 Achievement Awards were presented at the International Conference and Trade Show in Jersey City on September 10, 2008. IMAX Corporation also presented two awards that evening. Photos by James Hyder. © 2008 by Cinergetics, LLC.

David Keighley Post Production Consulting and Print Quality Control; Director and Sound Designer Ben Burtt; the Director of Communications for Lockheed Missiles and Space, George Mulhern; Producer/Director Graeme Ferguson; Producer/Director, Writer, and Editor Toni Myers; and Director of Photography James Neihouse
Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure
Best Giant Screen Film
Best Film for Learning
Big Idea Award
Produced and distributed by National Geographic. Pictured here receiving the award from GSCA Chair Toby Mensforth (4th from the right) is the National Geographic team: Jini Durr, Lisa Truitt, Mark Katz, Antonietta Monteleone, Derek Threinen, Jennifer Lee, Corliss McPherson and Sean Phillips. The Big Idea Award was presented for National Geographic’s coordinated day-and-date release of the film to 260 screens worldwide, the largest ever day-and-date release of a traditional giant screen film.

U2 3D
Best Film Produced Non-Exclusively for the Giant Screen
Produced by 3ality Digital Entertainment and U2 Ltd., distributed by National Geographic. Pictured here is National Geographic’s Lisa Truitt with GSCA Vice Chair Doug King.

Luke Cresswell, GSCA Chair Toby Mensforth, and Steve McNicholas.

GSCA Chair Toby Mensforth, Brian Eimer, Mike Roberts, and J.R. Fountain
Wild Ocean 3D
Best Original Score
Best Sound Design
Produced by Yes/No Productions and Giant Screen Films. Distributed by Giant Screen Films. Score by Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas. Sound design by Brian Eimer, Mike Roberts, and J.R. Fountain

Grand Canyon Adventure: River at Risk
Best Cinematography
Produced and distributed by MacGillivray Freeman Films. Cinematography by Greg MacGillivray, Doug Lavender, Brad Ohlund, Ron Goodman, and Jack Tankard.
Pictured here with GSCA Chair Toby Mensforth is Greg MacGillivray

Alan Markowitz and Tim Sassoon
Grand Canyon Adventure: River at Risk
Special Achievement in Film
Alan Markowitz, Visceral Image Productions (left), and Tim Sassoon (right), Sassoon Film Design, (with GSCA Chair Toby Mensforth) for the creating the opening title sequence in Grand Canyon Adventure: River at Risk 3D.

Museum of Science, Boston
The Alps
Best Film Launch by a Theater
Pictured here with GSCA Chair Toby Mensforth are Sandra Fasules and Sofiya Cabalquinto.

MacGillivray Freeman Films
Grand Canyon Adventure: River at Risk
Best Marketing Campaign by a Distributor
Accepting the award from Toby Mensforth are Lori Rick, Beth Bouck, Mary Jane Dodge, Patty Collins, Kathy Almon, Nikki Brigham, Liz Ferrin, Audra DeSombre, Chip Bartlett and Alan Markowitz.

Myrtle Beach IMAX
Best Theater Launch
Accepting the award from Toby Mensforth are Gina Trimarco and Murray Mold.

Tina Ratterman and Andy Wood
Big Shoe Award
Tina and Andy accepted the award from GSCA President Gretchen Jaspering. The Big Shoe Award winner is chosen by GSCA staff to recognize members, who are not board members, who exemplify the qualities of a volunteer.
Maximum Image Awards, Presented by IMAX

Into the Deep
Hall of Fame Award
Director Howard Hall accepts the award from Greg Foster, Chairman and President of IMAX Filmed Entertainment. The Hall of Fame award honors a film that is at least 10 years old and is voted on by the IMAX theater network.

IMAX Victoria in the Royal BC Museum
Best IMAX Booth
Accepting the award from Toby Mensforth is Theater Director Paul Wild.