
GSCA Session to Provide Front-Row Seat to the Creative Process It Takes to Form an Effective Marketing Plan

In an early morning session next Wednesday, October 5th, we are going to engage in a creative exercise together as part of the GSCA Marketing Session "The Road to Success: Creativity, Strategy, and Execution: Marketing Workshop" at the GSCA International Conference and Trade Show. Rather than simply learning about four successful marketing campaigns launched by four of our institutional theaters this year, we are going to see how the experienced marketing professionals from these theaters approach the creative challenges when promoting a film. The session panelists [...]

GSCA Session to Provide Front-Row Seat to the Creative Process It Takes to Form an Effective Marketing Plan2016-10-02T19:40:00+00:00

Making the Case for Longer Films

In the past two years we have noticed that films being produced are getting shorter and shorter. I am not sure if this is the result of budget constraints or the fact that the subjects chosen are just not interesting enough to make a 45-minute film. Whatever is the case, the fact that we get films with a running time under 45 minutes has become a real problem and adds to the demise of our industry. In the past years we have seen films that are [...]

Making the Case for Longer Films2016-09-16T16:58:00+00:00

How Does Virtual Reality Fit Into Your World?

Virtual reality has been a hot topic in entertainment and technology for the last couple years, with most experts predicting that it will be the “next big thing” in both industries. What is clear today is that VR is already penetrating markets, and due to anticipated quick adoption, will soon influence consumer expectation in terms of their educational and entertainment material. The giant screen industry stands poised to once again be at the forefront of technological advances. For some, the adoption of VR into storytelling is [...]

How Does Virtual Reality Fit Into Your World?2016-06-24T18:20:00+00:00

Comparing Short- and Long-Term Learning Effects Between Stereoscopic and Two-Dimensional Film at a Planetarium

From the perspective of the audience, research plays little to no role in whether or not they like a film. Impact in that case is measured in terms of how many people bought a ticket to see the film. But from the perspective of film funders, impact is measured in terms of both the number of people who buy a ticket (the reach of the film) in combination with the effect that a film has on that audience—whether it be influencing behaviors, encouraging lifelong learning or [...]

Comparing Short- and Long-Term Learning Effects Between Stereoscopic and Two-Dimensional Film at a Planetarium2016-06-22T21:52:00+00:00

Advertise Digitally Without Increasing Your Budget

Trying to find a way to advertise in the digital space but can’t increase your budget? How would you like to add up to $10,000 USD per month to your marketing budget without spending a dime? Check to see if you qualify for Google Ad Grants, which is part of the Google for Nonprofits program. Google Ads appear when the words people type in Google match your keywords. To qualify for Google Ad Grants, your institution must: Begin by applying to Google for Nonprofits. Hold valid [...]

Advertise Digitally Without Increasing Your Budget2016-05-25T15:28:00+00:00

The Secret Journey Through The Hidden Mysteries Of Giant Screen Movie Titles

First impressions are critical. We all want to put our best foot forward—to stand out and separate ourselves from the crowd. So why is this not the case with the titles of giant screen documentaries? Arguably, the single most important determining factor in the success of any film, especially a giant screen documentary, is its title. So why then does there seem to be a repetitive uniformity and lack of drama to giant screen film title construction? I know it’s not just me as the “creative [...]

The Secret Journey Through The Hidden Mysteries Of Giant Screen Movie Titles2016-02-02T19:00:00+00:00

How the Free Film Fridays Program at the Museum of Science in Boston Benefits the Community, the Museum, and Its Sponsor

The Museum of Science, Boston, has been able to offer a wonderful opportunity to our visitors for the last eight years called Free Film Fridays. Each Friday in March, we have offered free admission to our Mugar Omni Theater so that guests can experience the wonder of our IMAX® dome theater at no cost. Free Film Fridays is not only a wonderful promotion for our visitors but it has been a fantastic opportunity to work with one of our Museum sponsors, MathWorks, and to offer programming [...]

How the Free Film Fridays Program at the Museum of Science in Boston Benefits the Community, the Museum, and Its Sponsor2016-01-19T19:36:00+00:00

Maximizing Social Media Platforms for the Giant Screen

Social media is long past the stage of “buzz phrase.” It’s become an integral part of an organization’s approach to marketing, brand recognition, image control, user engagement, publicity and even sales. The film industry as a whole has learned how to effectively leverage various social media campaigns, from grassroots marketing to commercial advertising. The giant screen film market has the opportunity to learn from these strategies and apply them to their particular niche. If you haven’t yet found your social media groove, it’s your time to [...]

Maximizing Social Media Platforms for the Giant Screen2016-01-11T19:09:00+00:00

All That Stuff Besides the Film, Part 1

Since 1976, giant screen film releases have been accompanied by a variety of ancillary materials, including teacher’s guides, exhibits, books, and scientist presentations. As Hyman Field of the U.S. National Science Foundation noted, "Ancillary materials and educational outreach has always been among the criteria the NSF’s Informal Science Education Program considers when it reviews proposals…We’re interested in the learning experience extending beyond just seeing a film…We’re looking for a project that’s carefully designed as a total educational experience" (Germain, 2003). Filmmakers and distributors invest time and [...]

All That Stuff Besides the Film, Part 12016-01-07T16:04:00+00:00

GSCA Events: Who, What, When, Where, Why….and How Much

Feedback. We love it. Thanks to all the delegates who take the time to complete surveys asking for input on GSCA events. We really do take the results and comments to heart and use them to ensure GSCA is meeting the needs of our members and delegates. A case in point is feedback we received about the awards ceremony. Conference survey results from 2013 suggested that we should scale way back on the award presentation, so we did in Toronto. Results on that conference survey clearly [...]

GSCA Events: Who, What, When, Where, Why….and How Much2015-11-16T16:46:00+00:00
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