Chris Pine, who famously played Captain Kirk in the Star Trek reboot, is set to narrate Space: The New Frontier, a documentary made for IMAX, Giant Screen and specialty theatres by Definition Studios Australia in association with K2 Studios. See trailer here.
The doc examines how humankind has continued to push the scientific boundaries of what is possible in space, following the pioneers and visionaries from private companies as well as NASA and other international space agencies – expanding the limits of science, engineering and the human body to enrich life on earth. From new launch to reusable rocket technologies, commercial space stations to NASA’s Artemis Moon to Mars program, living and working in space is closer than we think, according to the new doc.
Pine, who is coming off the back of his directorial debut Poolman and is a supporter of Children’s Hospital and The Orchid Foundation, a mentorship and scholarship program for underserved girls, said: “I remember seeing these shows in IMAX when I was a kid, so to be a part of it is a real blessing and I can’t wait to inspire kids.”
Space: The New Frontier will roll out in 3D and 2D IMAX, Giant Screen and Dome theaters at space museums, science centers and other cultural destinations worldwide, starting with the Kennedy Space Center in this month. The film will roll out globally over the next several years. STEM outreach and resources include classroom visits from MIT alumni and space architects at Aurelia Institute seen in the film as well as hands-on activities and lessons for teachers.