Tomas (Peter Reznik) is an 11-year-old Russian stowaway who is bound for America for a very special reason. A hundred years ago, Tomas’ ancestor—Leopold Minton—immigrated to America to start a new life. After becoming a 3D photographer, Leopold sent black and white stereocard pictures of New York City, his new home, to his family back in Russia. His wish was for them to join him in America. Now, armed with these old stereocards and Leopold’s letters, Tomas comes to New York to find the American branch of his family.
Length: 52:00
Film Details
- Year Released: 1995
- Date Released: October 1995
- Alternate Titles:
- Status: Inactive
- 3D: Yes
- Run Time: >50
- Formats: 8/70, 15/70
- Distributor:
Sony Pictures Classics
- Produced By: Columbia Pictures, Sony New Technologies, Cityscape Productions
- Executive Producer: Andrew Gellis
- Producer: Stephen Low
- Director: Stephen Low
- Associate Producer:
- Writer: Andrew Gellis
- Cinematography: Andrew Kitzanuk
- Sound Editor:
- Visual Effects:
- Music/Score: John Barry
- Editor: James Lahti
- Narrator:
- Other Credits:
- Sponsors:
- Destination
- Documentary
- Drama
- Historical
Sony Pictures: Across the Sea of Time
Stephen Low: Across the Sea of Time
Film Facts