African Adventure: Safari in the Okavango takes viewers on a unique photo safari in the Okavango Delta. Described as “the river which never finds the sea,” the Okavango originates in the highlands of Angola and eventually spills into one of the most arid places on Earth, the Kalahari Desert. This secluded maze of lagoons, channels, and islands form one of the most beautiful and pristine wildlife reserves on Earth. Join zoologist Liesl Eichenberger and filmmaker Tim Liversedge as they come face to face with hippos, crocodiles, elephants, lions, and many types of antelopes and bird species.
Length: 40:00
Film Details
- Year Released: 2007
- Date Released: March 2007
- Alternate Titles:
- Status: In Distribution
- 3D: Yes
- Run Time: 31-50
- Formats: 8/70, 15/70, DCI-compliant Digital
- Distributor:
nWave Pictures
- Produced By:
- Executive Producer:
- Producer: Ben Stassen
- Director: Ben Stassen
- Associate Producer:
- Writer: Ben Stassen
- Cinematography: Sean Phillips
- Sound Editor:
- Visual Effects:
- Music/Score:
- Editor: Shon Hedges
- Narrator:
- Other Credits:
- Sponsors:
- Animals
- Destination
- Documentary
- Nature
Film Facts