Bears explores the mythical past and fragile future of some of the most inspiring and misunderstood predators on the planet. From polar bears in the arctic tundra to grizzlies in Alaska and black bears in Montana, Bears presents fresh footage of these enterprising omnivores in the full glory of their natural habitats. Learn about the challenges facing each of these species-and why protecting them benefits wildlife and people everywhere.
Length: 40:00
Film Details
- Year Released: 2001
- Date Released: May 2001
- Alternate Titles:
- Status: In Distribution
- 3D: No
- Run Time: 31-50
- Formats: 8/70, 15/70, DCI-compliant Digital, Fulldome
- Distributor:
K2 Studios
- Produced By: National Wildlife Federation, Primesco, Science North
- Executive Producer: Christopher Palmer, Ed Capelle
- Producer: Goulam Amarsy, James Marchbank
- Director: David Lickley
- Associate Producer:
- Writer: Alexander Low
- Cinematography: Sylvain Brault
- Sound Editor:
- Visual Effects:
- Music/Score: Violane Corradi, with feature song by Lyle Lovett
- Editor: James Lahti
- Narrator:
- Other Credits:
- Sponsors:
- Animals
- Documentary
- Nature
Film Facts