An animated journey through the solar system. The film vaults forward in time to follow a small group of alien navigators aboard a spaceship on November 22, 2063, in search of a new home. Time is running out for them because before long, their own sun and its planets will die. They have searched hundreds of galaxies looking in vain for a habitable planet. Finally, our own Milky Way is their last chance. We follow the adventures of the six-member scouting party as their search propels them towards Earth.
Length: 16:00
Film Details
- Year Released: 1993
- Date Released: August 1993
- Alternate Titles:
- Status: Inactive
- 3D: No
- Run Time: <20
- Formats: 15/70
- Distributor:
IMAX Corporation
- Produced By: Bear Spots
- Executive Producer: Andre Picard
- Producer: Graeme Ferguson, Toni Myers
- Director: C. Smith
- Associate Producer:
- Writer:
- Cinematography: David Douglas
- Sound Editor:
- Visual Effects:
- Music/Score: Micky Erbe, Maribeth Solomon
- Editor:
- Narrator:
- Other Credits:
- Sponsors:
- Animation
- Astronomy
- Short
Film Facts
Journey to the Planets ran for four months in the Imagination Pavilion at Expo ’93 in Taejon, South Korea.