A crooning humpback whale gently rolls over her calf in a loving caress beneath the sea. Nomads of the Deep probes the mysterious habits of these rare creatures at play and at peace. Set against an underwater background of incredible beauty, the footage of humpback whales and their young is fascinating and moving.
Length: 20:00
Film Details
- Year Released: 1979
- Date Released: July 1979
- Alternate Titles:
- Status: Inactive
- 3D: No
- Run Time: 20-30
- Formats: 15/70
- Distributor:
IMAX Corporation
- Produced By: A Mako Films Ltd. Production for Ontario Place
- Executive Producer:
- Producer: David Keighley
- Director: John Stoneman
- Associate Producer:
- Writer:
- Cinematography: Underwater photography by Chuck Nicklin and John Stoneman. Surface photography by David Douglas.
- Sound Editor:
- Visual Effects:
- Music/Score:
- Editor:
- Narrator:
- Other Credits:
- Sponsors:
- Animals
- Documentary
- Oceanography
- Short
Film Facts