For thousands of years, humans have tried to understand the vastness of our universe. We point our telescopes at it, send our spacecraft into the black void, and yet moving from wonder, to a greater understanding, has eluded us… until now. Space: Unraveling the Cosmos is an epic 3D journey of exploration, as we reach to the farthest points within our universe, and beyond, to develop a greater understanding of space that surrounds our planet. The film brings us closer than ever before to far-off planets, galaxies and into the limitless expanse that surrounds our own celestial home. In our journey we learn just how big, really big is, and just how far, really far is.
Our trek into the vastness of our cosmos will provide audiences an unprecedented adventure filled with discovery, as we use the latest discoveries in space science to help us understand the very nature of our universe and beyond.
Length: 22:00 and 44:00
Film Details
- Year Released: 2014
- Date Released:
January 6, 2014
- Alternate Titles:
- Status: In Distribution
- 3D: Yes
- Run Time: 20-30, 31-50
- Formats: DCI-compliant Digital, Fulldome
- Distributor:
K2 Studios
- Produced By:
3net Studios, Percolate Digital
- Executive Producer: Tom Cosgrove
- Producer: Don Bland, Mike Dorsey
- Director: Tom Schmidt
- Associate Producer:
- Writer: Gilbert King
- Cinematography:
- Sound Editor:
- Visual Effects: Jon Bell, Robert Newton, Jeremy Totel
- Music/Score: Joel Langley
- Editor:
- Narrator: Mark Boszko
- Other Credits:
- Sponsors:
- Documentary
- Space
Film Facts