Helping You Be Successful in the Giant Screen Industry

The Giant Screen Cinema Association (GSCA) is a vibrant international organization devoted to facilitating communication, information sharing, and the development of best practices to support the production and exhibition of original, high-quality, educational and entertaining giant screen cinema experiences. GSCA’s network includes more than 250 member organizations from over 20 countries representing theaters, producers, distributors, manufacturers, suppliers and others in the industry.

Members build strong business relationships, alliances, and partnerships in the giant screen marketplace to the benefit of everyone in the industry. These relationships are cultivated in person at the highly attended and content-rich industry events and online via our website, Facebook page and LinkedIn group. Members also benefit from a variety of membership discounts and access to members-only portions of the GSCA website.


Discounted Registration to the Film Expo and International Conference

Attending events organized by the GSCA is the best way to be involved in the giant screen marketplace. Twice each year GSCA hosts major events in which the industry comes together to see films, share best practices, meet with colleagues, and celebrate success. It is the most significant way to be engaged in the industry. As a member you receive discounted registration for these events. Why attend?

GSCA events are the marketplace for developing partnerships, negotiating film deals, and uncovering job opportunities.

Show your film
GSCA events include screenings of new films, films in production, and projects in development. Producers and distributors get invaluable in-production feedback from film buyers. You must be a member to show film projects at a GSCA event.

Present and Promote Your Business
Present and promote products and services at GSCA events through sponsorships at special member-only rates.

Share Your Expertise
Participate as an expert on a professional development panel at one of our conferences.

Film Buyer Surveys

One of the primary goals of GSCA’s strategic plan is to help build a pipeline of quality educational and entertaining content, and GSCA’s film buyer surveys are a key factor in achieving that. GSCA asks conference attendees who are film buyers to provide confidential feedback on films in production and projects in development via surveys they complete after each screening, and the results are given to the filmmakers. This input from film buyers early in the production process can be invaluable to filmmakers in helping them make a film that theaters will put on their screens.

Mentor Program

GSCA’s mentor program is designed to help new members, those who are new to their roles, and first-time GSCA event attendees navigate the giant screen industry by matching them with a more experienced member of the association, based on their area of expertise. The giant screen industry is an exceptionally collegial and supportive community. We all need to thrive for the industry to succeed, and sharing expertise and experiences helps ensure our success. Both mentors and mentees benefit from participating in the program. Not only is information shared, but many long-time business relationships and friendships have been established through GSCA’s Mentor Program as well. If you are a giant screen industry veteran, please volunteer as a mentor. And if you need a mentor and some industry guidance, we strongly encourage you to sign up to be matched with a mentor.

Achievement Awards

GSCA’s Achievement Awards recognize excellence in giant screen filmmaking, marketing, and education, and only members are eligible to win awards. In addition to recognition during the awards ceremony, we feature marketing campaigns and education programs on the GSCA website in the Resources center, so it’s a great chance to showcase your team’s efforts and share your successes with an industry-wide audience.

Committee Participation

Committees are crucial to guiding GSCA and the industry. They’re also a great way to learn more about the industry and network. When you’re on a GSCA committee you…

  • take an active role in guiding the future of the association.
  •  share your skills and experiences to strengthen the community and develop solutions for the challenges our industry faces.
  • get to know people in the industry by working with them on projects and initiatives.

Online Tools and Resources


Receive a free subscription to the GSCA e-News covering news and important association information. Reach other members with a message in the GSCA e-News by announcing a new product or service, providing a film production update, or listing a personnel change.

Member Directory

A searchable list of industry contacts (currently under construction).

Film Database

An online database of every giant screen documentary film ever released. You can search films by title, distributor, format, genre, and more.

Film Release Timeline

A list of future releases, along with producer and distributor links.

Industry Research

The State of the Giant Screen Industry, Audience Research, Theater Operations Survey, and more can be found in the GSCA Resources


GSCA has held webinars on marketing, film production, alternative content and other industry-related topics. If you can’t join the webinars live, recordings are available in the GSCA Resources.

Professional Development Sessions

If you missed a professional development session or would like to have a refresher on one you attended, recordings and presenter materials from past conference sessions are available. You’ll find sessions on marketing, programming, lifelong learning, production, postproduction and more in the GSCA Resources

Marketing Examples

We share marketing campaigns in the GSCA Resources to give you ideas for launching specific films or to adapt for other campaigns.

Lifelong Learning Success Stories

Education and lifelong learning are important to GSCA and our members, so we highlight educational programs in the GSCA Resources so you can see how other members are extending the learning experience beyond the film screening, and hopefully you can take away some ideas to use when you’re developing your own programs.

Production and Postproduction Workflow (P3W)

GSCA developed the Production and Post-Production Workflow (P3W), to inform filmmakers of the generally accepted practices and workflows used in the giant screen filmmaking industry to make films efficiently, effectively, and with the highest quality images. There are workflow diagrams and definitions for both picture and audio.


GSCA’s newsroom includes industry news and our most recent social media posts. GSCA members can send press releases to so we can share the news with other members and on social media.

Other Resources

Social Media

Follow us on social media and send us your news so we can share it with our fans and followers.

GSCA Staff

GSCA staff is here to answer your questions and help you get the most out of your membership. And if we don’t know the answer to your question, we probably know who does.