To request a mentor or volunteer as a mentor, please contact Tammy Barrett at
How It Works
The GSCA Mentor Program is designed to help new members, those who are new to their roles, and first-time GSCA event attendees navigate the giant screen industry by matching them with a more experienced member of the association, based on their area of expertise. The giant screen industry is an exceptionally collegial and supportive community. We all need to thrive for the industry to succeed, and sharing expertise and experiences helps ensure our success. Both mentors and mentees benefit from participating in the program. Not only is information shared, but many long-time business relationships and friendships have been established through GSCA’s Mentor Program.
If you are a giant screen industry veteran, we strongly encourage you to volunteer as a mentor. And if you need a mentor and some industry guidance, we strongly encourage you to sign up to be matched with a mentor.
Mentee Guidelines
You have been provided with a great opportunity through the GSCA Mentor Program to be paired with an experienced volunteer. Approach this opportunity with enthusiasm and commitment.
Your mentor is an expert in your field and has a wealth of industry knowledge. Be prepared to take full advantage of this program, be engaged, and use the guidance your mentor can provide. The mentor form allows you to indicate the areas you are seeking expertise.
GSCA will e-mail you your mentor’s contact information. Your mentor has been asked to reach out to you, but feel free to contact your mentor as well. Be prepared with questions you may want to ask your mentor.
Use your mentor as a resource throughout the year. The mentors are willing to help, and their support can be invaluable in navigating the industry and GSCA. Not only are you gaining valuable insight—you are developing a potentially valuable industry relationship.
Mentor Guidelines
GSCA members with experience in the giant screen industry are encouraged to volunteer to provide guidance and share their expertise. The volunteer form allows you to indicate your areas of expertise. When you volunteer to be a mentor, you can choose from the following:
- be paired with a mentee
- volunteer to make yourself available as an expert on an as-needed basis to answer questions
- be paired with a mentee AND volunteer as an industry expert
Be as open as possible to sharing your knowledge with and being supportive of your mentee.
Approach the opportunity with enthusiasm and commitment.
GSCA will email you your mentee’s contact information. Please contact your mentee as soon as possible to introduce yourself, answer your mentee’s questions, and provide any general information about GSCA, the giant screen industry, etc. that you think would be helpful to your mentee.
Check in with your mentee from time to time throughout the year to answer questions or provide any other help that is needed. Your mentee may not know what to ask you yet when you first talk, so it’s important to make yourself available for information or guidance. Not only are you helping your mentee navigate the industry and GSCA—you are developing a potentially valuable industry relationship. And you’ll get as much out of the program as your mentee. There’s nothing that helps you examine and improve the way you work more than having to explain WHY you do something a certain way.