In 2017, the Denver Museum of Nature & Science Phipps
IMAX Theater (DMNS) made the star of their Extreme
Weather 3D marketing campaign an object instead of a person—move over, Sean
Casey. The Tornado Intercept Vehicle (TIV) rolled up to the museum to much
fanfare and was positioned in front of the Museum for three weeks.
The social media campaign and organic posts were incredible.
Dozens of TIV photos were posted to Facebook, garnering the single greatest
organic reach and engagement of any other post to their page: 344,761
impressions and 20,700 post engagements between Twitter and Facebook. Paid
social media efforts totaled nearly 280,000 impressions, with a 7.5 times
return on ad spend. The e-blast, sent via National Geographic, had an
incredible open rate of 37 percent and click-through rate of 3.67 percent
Extreme Weather 3D
performed 28 percent stronger-than-average attendance for their IMAX films and
brought in a total of $352,093 in additional revenue. All paid, organic, rack
card distribution, promotions, PR, and community outreach totaled over 3
million impressions. It was the second-strongest IMAX launch at the DMNS in 5 years.
Denver's campaign for Extreme Weather is a winner of the GSCA 2017 Best Film Launch by a Theater award.